HasAgreed HHelp LLicense Agreement... Decline Accept you must agree to be bound by the above agreement. If you use the software, you are agreeing to be bound by the above agreement. $b$If you agree to be bound by the above agreement, click “Accept”.$b$ If you do not agree, click “Decline”. To use the software, %s% %s% $b$Care of Disk$b$: If the software was provided to you on disk(s), they are not copy protected and you are advised to make a working copy of the disk(s) and retain the original disks(s) for archival purposes. total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed US$$$50. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so portions of the above may not apply to you. In no event shall Pedagoguery Software’s %s% %s% $b$Other Restrictions$b$: You may not rent or lease the software. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software. $b$Evaluation License$b$: The licensee may use the software for the sole purpose of evaluating the software. After the evaluation is complete, this license expires, and the software and documentation may not be used until another license is obtained. $b$Individual Student License$b$: The licensee is entitled to use a single copy of the software on a single computer. At no time should the licensee have two (or more) copies of the program running concurrently. any part of any included documentation $b$for use within the site$b$ or for distribution to individual student licenses. Licensees wishing to group purchase copies of the software for individual students should contact Pedagoguery Software. with simultaneous access to the software does not exceed the license. $b$Copies of the software shall not be made available for use outside of the licensee’s site.$b$ The licensee is also entitled to reproduce $b$Site License$b$: The licensee is entitled to create as many copies of the software as the license permits. The software may be placed upon a network in the licensee’s site provided that the total number of machines (both networked and stand alone) %s% %s% %s% $b$Individual License$b$: The licensee is entitled to use a single copy of the software on a single computer. At no time should the licensee have two (or more) copies of the program running concurrently. $b$Ownership$b$: $b$The software is owned by Pedagoguery Software$b$. limited warranty described in the preceding paragraph, either express or implied, with respect to the software, its quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for and particular purpose. $b$Disclaimer of Warranty$b$ Although we have thoroughly tested the software and reviewed the documentation, Pedagoguery Software makes no warranties, except for the %s% %s% materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery to you as evidenced by your proof of purchase. $b$Limited Warranty$b$ If the software was provided to you on disk(s), Pedagoguery Software warrants those disk(s) to be free from defects in %s% %s% This license is a $b$legal $u$agreement$u$$b$ between Pedagoguery Software and you, the licensee, either as a registered user or as an unregistered user. License Agreement To register by email, use the included register program, and send the email to “$c00f$$($sales@kagi.com$)$$c000$” using your email program. Kagi handles our credit card payments. To register online, go to “$c00f$$($http://order.kagi.com/?PY$)$$c000$” with your web browser. Ok Could not email “%s%”. Try opening your email software and typing in the address. Could not open “%s%”. Try opening your web software and typing in the address. $c00f$$($www.peda.com$)$$c000$ Evaluation Reminder Info... Continue Register... RContact and Registration Information... Site licenses include the program on disks, a printed manual, tutorials, and example lesson plans. For more information on site licenses, please contact us or go to “$c00f$$($http://www.peda.com/grafeq/cost.html$)$$c000$” with your web browser. School site licenses start at US$$$300 (+ US$$$10 shipping and handling) for 30 machines. %s% %s% $b$School Site License$b$ You can then use the code to register your copy of GrafEq. You will not receive anything via postal mail. You can use the online manual and tutorials, and/or download, and/or print out your own copies of them. or a letter from a school official, on school stationary, stating that you are currently a student. The proof may be sent to us by fax or by postal mail. With an electronic license, you receive a registration code from us by email. Student electronic licensing is US$$$36 per student. To qualify as a student user, you must prove that you are currently a student. For proof, you can send us either a photocopy of your student card, %s% %s% %s% $b$Student Electronic License$b$ Individual physical licensing is US$$$94 (+ US$$$10 shipping and handling) per user. With a physical license, you receive the program on disks and a printed manual in a folder from us via postal mail. $b$Individual Physical License$b$ You will not receive anything via postal mail. You can use the online manual and tutorials, and/or download, and/or print out your own copies of them. Individual electronic licensing is US$$$60 per user. With an electronic license, you receive a registration code from us by email. You can then use the code to register your copy of GrafEq. %s% %s% $b$Individual Electronic License$b$ $b$web$b$: $s+3$$b$$u$Available Licenses$u$$b$$s-3$ For schools and corporations, we accept purchase orders by fax or postal mail. (sent to the above fax number or postal address) $b$Purchase Order$b$ We handle payments with cheques or money orders. They should be made payable to “Pedagoguery Software” and mailed to our postal address above. $b$Cheque / Money Order$b$ %s% %s% $b$Credit Card$b$ $s+3$$b$$u$Payment Methods$u$$b$$s-3$ Pedagoguery Software 4446 Lazelle Avenue Terrace BC V8G 1R8 Canada $b$postal$b$: (250) 638-8606 (answering machine) $b$tel/fax$b$: $c00f$$($peda@peda.com$)$$c000$ $b$email$b$: $s+3$$b$$u$Contact Information$u$$b$$s-3$ Contact and Registration Information up every 10 minutes while you are using an unregistered version; after registration, it will not appear. Our email address is “$c00f$$($peda@peda.com$)$$c000$”; please send us any comments, questions, and suggestions you may have. This is an unregistered (fully-functional!) copy of GrafEq, and is for demonstration/evaluation purposes only. Please consider registering, as it encourages us to continue improving the program. This message will come %s% %s% To make more memory available, try closing some graphs. %s% %s% %s% %d% hours 1 hour %d% minutes 1 minute %d% seconds 1 second RRegister... Registration Ok Cancel Your Code Here Code: Your Name Here Name: Please enter your name and registration code. Ok Registration was not successful. Please ensure that your code and name are entered correctly. Ok Changing the registration was not successful. Please ensure that your new code and new name are entered correctly. New Code Here New Name Here